Sign Several Times


Sometimes it is needed to sign a PDF document by several signees. The PDF format does not support parallel signatures but you have to simply restart the signature process for each signee. 


To sign a PDF document several times you need to create intermediate versions of the document. Following example shows this as a manual process: 


// create a temporary writer
$tempWriter = new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_String();

// create a new document instance
$document = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename(
    'files/pdfs/tektown/Laboratory-Report.pdf', $tempWriter

// create a signer instance
$signer = new \SetaPDF_Signer($document);

// set some signature properties
$signer->setLocation('SetaPDF-Signer Manual');

// create a signature module
$module = new \SetaPDF_Signer_Signature_Module_Cms();
// load the certificate
$certificate = 'file://files/certificates/setapdf-no-pw.pem';
$module->setPrivateKey(array($certificate, '' /* no password */));

// sign the document and send the final document to the initial writer

// now simply re-start the process

// create the final writer
$writer = new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_Http('several-signatures.pdf', true);

// create a new document instance based on the temporary result
$document = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByString($tempWriter, $writer);

// create a signer instance
$signer = new \SetaPDF_Signer($document);

// set a new signature field name
$signer->setSignatureFieldName('Signature 2');

// set some signature properties
$signer->setReason('Also testing');
$signer->setLocation('SetaPDF-Signer Manual');

// create a signature module
$module = new \SetaPDF_Signer_Signature_Module_Cms();
// load the certificate
$certificate = 'file://files/certificates/setapdf-no-pw.pem';
$module->setPrivateKey(array($certificate, '' /* no password */));

// sign the document and send the final document to the initial writer

Unknown signature field name

If you don't want or need to care about the signature field names, just use following logic to get a new unused signature field:

$field = $signer->addSignatureField();

All details about creating signature fields are documented here.