SetaPDF v2 API Overview
A class that allows you to convert base data types to bytes and vice versa.
A class representing a Canvas
A canvas helper class for draw operators
A canvas helper class for graphicState operators
A class representing a text graphic state.
A canvas helper class for marked content operators
Abstract class for accessing canvas helper objects
A canvas helper class for path operators
A class representing minimum functions to access a Canvas.
Abstract canvas helper class for standard operators
A canvas helper class for text operators
Abstract class for introducing methods for ResourceInterface implementation
Default implementation of a color space
DeviceCMYK Color Space
DeviceGray Color Space
DeviceN Color Space
DeviceRGB Color Space
ICCBased Color Space
Indexed Color Space
Lab Color Space
Separation Color Space
The class for main properties of the SetaPDF-Core Component
Abstract class for color structures
CMYK Color
Gray Color
RGB Color
Special Color
Data structure class for date objects
Data structure class for rect objects
Abstract data structure class for trees
Exception class which is thrown if a key that should be set already exists in a tree
Data structure class for Name Trees
Data structure class for Number Trees
A class representing a PDF document
Class representing a PDF action
Abstract class for form actions
Class representing a Go-To action
Class representing a remote go-to action.
Class representing a import-data action
Class representing a JavaScript action
Class representing a Launch action
Class representing a Named action
Class representing a reset-form action
Class representing a submit-form action
Class representing an URI action
A class representing the document catalog
Class representing a basic AcroForm
Class representing the document catalog’s additional-actions dictionary
Class for handling the Dests dictionary in the Catalog
Class for handling the catalogs extensions dictionary
Class representing the access to the mark information dictionary.
Class for handling Names in a PDF document
Class allowing access to embedded files.
Class for handling optional content
Class for handling a documents outline
Class representing the output intents entry
Class for handling page labels
Class for handling PDF pages
Class representing a helper object for the Perms entry in the document catalog.
Class representing the access to the StructTreeRoot dictionary of a document
Class representing the access to the ViewerPreferences dictionary of a document
Class representing a cross-reference table
Class for handling Destinations in a PDF document
Class for handling the documents info dictionary
Class for collecting objects from the AcroForm structure
Class for collecting objects from annotations
Class for collecting objects related to destinations
Class for collecting objects from fonts
Class for collecting objects
Class for collecting objects from the document outline
Class for collecting objects from the page tree
Class for collecting objects from the StructTree structure
Class for collecting objects from the tree data structures
Exception thrown if an object which is not defined should be accessed
Exception thrown if an object which is not found should be accessed
Class for compressing objects in object-streams
An optional content group
A helper class for an optional content group object to manage the usage dictionary
Optional content iterator
Class representing an outline item
Class representing a PDF page
A class holding page layout properties
A class holding page mode properties
Class representing a pages additional-actions dictionary
Class representing an annotations additional-actions dictionary
Class representing a PDF annotation
Class representing annotations appearance characteristics
Class representing annotations border effect dictionary
Class representing annotations border style dictionary
Class representing a caret annotation
Class representing a circle annotation
Class representing a file attachment annotation
A class representing named annotation flags
Class representing a free text annotation
Class representing a highlight annotation
Class representing an ink annotation
Class representing a line annotation
Constants class for line ends.
Class representing a Link annotation
Class representing a markup annotation
Class representing a poly line annotation
Class representing a polygon annotation
Class representing a Pop-up annotation
Class representing a screen annotation
Class representing a square annotation
Class representing a squiggly-underline annotation
Class representing a rubber stamp annotation
Class representing a strikeout annotation
Class representing a Text annotation
Abstract class representing a text markup annotation.
Class representing a underline annotation
Class representing a widget annotation
Class representing a widget annotations additional-actions dictionary
Helper class for handling annotations of a page
A class representing a pages content
Class representing an embedded file stream
Abstract class for encoding classes
A wrapper class for handling PDF specific encodings
Implementation of the MacExpertEncoding
Implementation of the MacRomanEncoding
Implementation of the PdfDocEncoding
Implementation of the StandardEncoding
Implementation of the SymbolEncoding
Implementation of the WinAnsiEncoding
Implementation of the ZapfDingbatsEncoding
The exception class for the SetaPDF-Core Components
Class representing a file specification
Class for handling ASCII base-85 data
Class for handling ASCII hexadecimal data
Filter exception
Class for handling zlib/deflate compression
Class for handling LZW compression
Class handling predictor functions
Class for handling run-length compression
Abstract class representing a CID font
Class representing a Type 0 CID font
Class representing a Type 2 CID font
Class representing a CMAP.
A class representing a Identity CMAP.
Class representing a font descriptor
Font exception
Abstract class representing a Font
Class for accessing adobes glyph lists
Class representing a MMType1 font.
Abstract class for simple fonts.
Abstract class for standard PDF fonts
Class representing the PDF standard font Courier
Class representing the PDF standard font Courier-Bold
Class representing the PDF standard font Courier-BoldOblique
Class representing the PDF standard font Courier-Oblique
Class representing the PDF standard font Helvetica
Class representing the PDF standard font Helvetica-Bold
Class representing the PDF standard font Helvetica-BoldOblique
Class representing the PDF standard font Helvetica-Oblique
Class representing the PDF standard font Symbol
Class representing the PDF standard font Times-Bold
Class representing the PDF standard font Times-BoldItalic
Class representing the PDF standard font Times-Italic
Class representing the PDF standard font Times-Roman
Class representing the PDF standard font ZapfDingbats
Helper class to create ToUnicode Mapping Files
Class for TrueType fonts
Parser class for TTF/OTF files
Class that represents a PDF TrueType font subset.
Exception which is thrown in sub-setting contexts.
An abstract class for sub-setting TrueType fonts.
Font subsetting class used for single byte encoding.
Font subsetting class used for identity encoding (more bytes).
A generic representation of a table contained in the subsetter.
This class represents the "cmap" table in a sub-setting context.
This class represents the format byte encoding (format0) subtable in a sub-setting context.
This class is a generic representation of a "cmap" subtable in a sub-setting context.
This class represents the "cvt " table in a sub-setting context.
This class represents the "prep" table in a sub-setting context.
This class represents the "fpgm" table in a sub-setting context.
This class represents the "glyf" table in a sub-setting context.
This class is a generic representation of the glyph description in a sub-setting context.
This class represents the description of a composite glyph in a sub-setting context.
This class represents the description of a simple glyph in a sub-setting context.
This class represents a glyph in a sub-setting context.
This class represents the "head" table in a sub-setting context.
This class represents the "hhea" table in a sub-setting context.
This class represents the "hmtx" table in a sub-setting context.
This class represents the "loca" table in a sub-setting context.
This class represents the "maxp" table in a sub-setting context.
Abstract class for true type tables.
A class representing the Character To Glyph Index Mapping Table (cmap) in a TrueType file.
A class representing a subtable "Format 0: Byte encoding table".
A class representing a subtable "Format 4: Segment mapping to delta values".
A class representing a subtable "Format 12: Segmented coverage".
A class representing a subtable of a Character To Glyph Index Mapping Table.
A class representing a subtable "Format 6: Trimmed table mapping".
A class representing the Control Value Table (cvt ) in a TrueType file.
A class representing the Control Value Program Table (prep) in a TrueType file.
A class representing the Font Program Table (fpgm) in a TrueType file.
A class representing the Glyf Data Table (glyf) in a TrueType file.
A class representing a glyph description.
A class representing a composite glyph description.
A class representing a simple glyph description.
A class representing a glyph.
A class representing the Font Header Table (head) in a TrueType file.
A class representing the Horizontal Header Table (hhea) in a TrueType file.
A class representing the Horizontal Metrics Table (hmtx) in a TrueType file.
A class representing the Index to Location (loca) in a TrueType file.
A class representing the Maximum Profile (maxp) in a TrueType file.
A class representing the Naming Table (name) in a TrueType file.
A class representing the OS/2 and Windows Metrics Table (OS/2) in a TrueType file.
A class representing the PostScript Table (post) in a TrueType file.
A record in a TrueType file
Abstract class representing TrueType table tags
Class for Type0 fonts
Class that represents a PDF Type0 (Composite) font subset.
Class for Type1 fonts
Class representing a Type3 font.
Class representing a transformation matrix of six elements.
Class representing a point
Class representing a rectangle
Class representing a vector.
ICC profile parser
Class for handling a ICC profile stream
Image exception
Class representing a GIF image
Class representing any block inside of a GIF.
Class representing any extension inside a GIF.
Class representing an application extension inside a GIF.
Class representing a comment extension inside a GIF.
Class representing a graphic control extension inside a GIF.
Class representing a plain text extension inside a GIF.
Class representing a header inside of a GIF.
Class representing an image descriptor inside of a GIF.
Class representing a logical screen descriptor inside of a GIF.
Class to apply interlacing.
Class to apply LZW encoding.
Class representing a GIF frame.
Class used for reading GIF images.
Class used to read single bits.
Class used to read GIF sequences.
Base class for image handling
Class representing an JPEG image
Class representing an JPEG2000 image
Class representing an PNG image
A class representing an Output Intent dictionary entry
Page Boundaries
Class for getting and handling page formats
A parser for PDF content
A PDF cross reference parser for corrupted pdfs
A PDF cross reference parser
Cross reference table exception
Parser exception
A PDF parser
Invalid token exception
A PDF parser for standard tokens.
An abstract reader class
Class representing a binary reader
Reader exception
A simple class representing a file path.
Class for a file reader
Class that handles \setasign\SetaPDF2\Core\Reader\MaxFileReader instances.
Class for a file reader respecting the maximum allowed open file handles/descriptors.
Class for a stream reader
Class for a string reader
Resource class for handling external graphic states
Resource class for handling external graphic states
Abstract security handler class for handling PDF encryption features.
Security handler exception
Security handler class handling public key encryption features.
Generator class for AES 128 bit public-key security handler
Generator class for AES 256 bit public-key security handler
Generator class for RC4 40 bit public-key security handler
Generator class for RC4 128 bit public-key security handler with crypt filters
Class representing a recipient of a public-key encrypted PDF document.
Simple implementation of RFC 4013 (SASLprep).
Main class for PDF security handlers
Security handler class handling standard encryption features
Generator class for AES 128 bit security handler
Generator class for AES 256 bit security handler (revision 6)
Generator class for AES 256 bit security handler (revision 5 - DEPRECTAED IN ISO/DIS 32000-2)
Generator class for RC4 128 bit security handler
Generator class for RC4 128 bit security handler with crypt filters
Generator class for RC4 40 bit security handler
Class representing a rich-text block which can be drawn onto a canvas object
Helper class for writing and handling text
Class representing a text block which can be drawn onto a canvas object
Tokenizer class for PDF documents
Class representing a transparency group
Abstract class for all PDF types
Helper class for handling of dictionaries
Class representing a pair of a name object and a value in a dictionary
Type exception
Indirect reference exception
Indirect reference recursion exception
Class representing an array
Class representing a boolean value
This class acts like a proxy for all available SetaPDF_Core_Type_* classes
Class representing a dictionary
Class representing a hexadecimal string
Class representing an indirect object
Class representing an indirect reference
Class representing a name object
Class representing a null object
Class representing a numeric object
Class representing an object stream object.
Class representing a raw PDF type.
Class representing a stream object
Class representing a string
Class representing a token
Abstract class for a writer object
A class representing a binary writer
A writer class which chains different writer objects
A writer class which uses simple echo calls
Writer exception
A writer class for files or writable streams
A writer class for immediately HTTP delivery without sending a Length header
A writer class for HTTP delivery
A writer class for streams
A writer class for string results
A writer class for temporary files
A writer class for temporary streams
A writer class for a referenced variable
Class for writer constants and short hand writer object
Class representing a Form XObject
Class representing an Image XObject
Abstract class representing an external object
A helper class to handle PDF/A metadata
A helper class for an easy lightweight access to XMP data packages
A helper class to handle ZUGFeRD >= 2.3 metadata
A helper class to deal with ZUGFeRD (>= 2.3) documents
Main exception of the SetaPDF package
Helper class to clean up content streams.
Extractor Exception
The main class of the SetaPDF-Extractor Component
A font size filter.
The multi filter allows you to create a filter by several filter instances.
A rectangle filter.
Resulting bounds.
This class represents a collection of items implementing \setasign\SetaPDF2\Extractor\Result\HasBoundsInterface
This class represnts a single glyph.
This class represents a segment/collection of items
This class represents a single word
This class represents word groups
This class represnts a single word including its glyphs
This class represents words
The abstract sorter class.
A sorter class that sorts lines by comparing the baseline of text items.
A sorter class that sorts lines by comparing text items on their baseline and a threshold factor.
The implementation of a spatial storage
A basic storage entry
Abstract class representing an extraction strategy.
Extraction strategy for plain text by using single glyphs for rebuilding the text.
Extraction strategy for single glyphs.
Extraction strategy for plain text.
Extraction strategy for word groups
Extraction strategy for single words.
A text item.
FormFiller Exception
Abstract class for choice fields
Abstract form field
Class representing a form fields additional-actions dictionary
A checkbox button
A combo box
Helper class to parse data from the default apperance entry of a form field.
Form field exception
A class representing named form field flags
Field formatter class emulating various standard formatting functions from Acrobat.
A list field
A push button field
A radio button group
A signature field
A text field
Class allowing transparent access to form fields of a PDF document
The main class of the SetaPDF-FormFiller Component
Class offering access to XFA data of a PDF form.
The helper class for processing XFA data and template data.
The helper class working with SOM expressions.
Class for creating and managing PDF Collections (aka Portfolios, or Packages).
Class representing a folder in a PDF Collection/Portfolio/Package.
Class representing a collection item.
Class for handling data schemas in PDF Collections/Portfolios/Packages.
Class representing a field in a schema.
Merger Exception
The main class of the SetaPDF-Merger Component
Not implemented exception
Helper class to convert a DistinguishedName ASN.1 struncture into a string.
Class representing an ASN.1 element.
ASN.1 exception
Helper class to de- and encode OIDs
Abstract class for signed ASN.1 structures.
Helper class to decode UTCTime and GeneralizedTime structures.
Class for creation of certificate bundles.
Class to handle CertsOnly CMS containers.
Class representing a CMS signed data container.
Class offering digest constants and helper methods
Class representing a "Document Security Store" in a PDF document.
The base exception thrown by the \setasign\SetaPDF2\Signer\Signer component
An exception which is thrown if the reserved space in a signature template is to small
Resolver for HTTP(s) using CURL functions.
Manager for information resolver instances.
Exception thrown if no resolver can be found for a specific URI.
Helper class to create and decode CertID structures.
Class representing an OCSP client.
Class for creating an OCSPRequest structure.
Class representing an OCSPResponse structure.
Class representing a SingleResponse structure of an OCSP response.
Helper class for en- and decoding of PEM encoded data.
Helper class to create/handle a signature field
Abstract class representing a signature appearance
Class representing a dynamic visible signature appearance
Class representing a signature appearance based on an existing XObject
A signature module to create CMS signatures.
A signature module which uses the PHP builtin openssl functions.
A signature module which uses the S/MIME utility of OpenSSL via command line.
A signature module which uses the CMS utility of OpenSSL via command line.
A signature module to create PAdES-BES/B-B conform signatures.
The main class of the SetaPDF-Signer Component
Abstract class representing a timestamp module
A timestamp module using the RFC 3161 Standard
The \setasign\SetaPDF2\Signer\Timestamp\Module\Rfc3161\Exception thrown by the \setasign\SetaPDF2\Signer\Signer component
Abstract class representing a timestamp module of the standard RFC 3161
Class for handling an intermediate version of the document that should be signed.
Class representing a Timestamp Response.
Class representing a Timestamp Token
Class representing the validation related information result of a certificate.
Class offering methods to collect validation related information.
Exception class used in context for validation related information.
Class representing an integrity result of a signature by its field name.
Class representing a log entry.
The standard logger implementation
Class representing a validation related information result.
Class representing a validation related information result by a signature field name.
Class representing a validation related information result by a SignedData object.
Class representing a X509 Certificate.
Helper class to build certificate paths.
Class representing a collection of X509 certificates.
Class representing a CRL.
Class representing the X509 Certificate Authority Information Access extension.
Class representing the X509 Authority key identifier extension.
Class representing the X509 Basic Constraints extension.
Class representing the X509 Certificate Revocation List distribution points extension.
Class representing the X509 Extended key usage extension.
Base class for X509 extensions.
Class representing the X509 Key usage extension.
Class representing the X509 OCSP No Check Extension extension.
Class representing the X509 Subject key identifier extension.
Class representing the Adobe proprietary X509 Time-stamp extension.
Class offering access to X509 extensions.
Helper class for X509 format constants.
Stamper Exception
The abstract base stamp class
The image stamp class
The PDF stamp class
The rich-text stamp class
The text stamp class
The XObject stamp class
The main class of the SetaPDF-Stamper Component
Trait for handling the QuadPoints property in Annotations
A trait for variable text properties of fields
A trait for individual modules using the PAdES module internally.
An interface for objects which contains a canvas object.
Interface of a StreamProxy
Interface for data structure classes
Interface for classes collecting indirect objects/references
Interface for encoding tables
A filter interface
Interface for CMAPs.
Interface for fonts with a font descriptor.
Font interface
An interface for glyph collections
Interface to check for collisions between geometries
Cross-reference table interface
Interface of a reader implementation
Interface for PDF resources
Security handler interface
Interface for types that can bypass a security handler
Interface indirect objects and object references
Interface representing an owner object which encapsulates other data.
Interface for scalar values
Interface for string values
An interface for writer classes which allow to copy from other streams.
An interface for writer classes which work with files.
A simple write interface
The writer interface
The interface for filter instances.
The interface for filter instances that requires a page object.
An interface for resulting items which can be compared/sorted.
Interface for resulting objects which have bounds.
A interface for word classes
A interface to implement different storage types
Field appearance callback interface
Field interface
The interface for modules that supports different digest algorithms
Interface for information resolvers.
An interface that can be used in a signature or timestamp modul to update the signature dictionary.
An interface that can be used in a signature or timestamp modul to update the document before the signature creation.
The signature module interface
The signature module interface
Interface for the logger
Interface representing a collection of X509 certificates.